S.G.M / C.G.B.
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 DISTORTED PONY special part 3: KXLU radio 3-12-1989 interview+live + European Tour July 2010(?)

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Join date : 2009-11-12

DISTORTED PONY special part 3: KXLU radio 3-12-1989 interview+live + European Tour July 2010(?) Empty
PostSubject: DISTORTED PONY special part 3: KXLU radio 3-12-1989 interview+live + European Tour July 2010(?)   DISTORTED PONY special part 3: KXLU radio 3-12-1989 interview+live + European Tour July 2010(?) EmptySun May 16, 2010 9:15 am

OK,finally for this celebration tribute&reunion for DP,here you have live show in radio+interview 3-12-1989


If you don't know in facebook they have posted they are planing to do a tour in Europe for the first time,the have recievd offers in UK,France,Germany,Chekz Republic&more and I wish it goes well and I can see them here in Spain,trying to write some pople that booking/management here...added guitarrist Eddie Rivas from LEOPOLD(another noise-rock/industrial nice band from L.A.)

If you like this I recommend all related project-bands like SWEET PEA,SARASPODEN,SWITCHHITTER

And London May(drummer) played in SAMHAIN!

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DISTORTED PONY special part 3: KXLU radio 3-12-1989 interview+live + European Tour July 2010(?)
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