S.G.M / C.G.B.
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 DISTORTED PONY special part 2: early tracks&unreleased + zine

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Join date : 2009-11-12

DISTORTED PONY special part 2: early tracks&unreleased + zine Empty
PostSubject: DISTORTED PONY special part 2: early tracks&unreleased + zine   DISTORTED PONY special part 2: early tracks&unreleased + zine EmptySun May 16, 2010 9:08 am

Here you can find some vary early tracks I think from 1989(?) live and some unreleased total industrial-noise-punk/trash&primitive

And the complete Flipside zine issue #76 from January/February 1992 featuring nice interview with DP among other nice bands,get it here:

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DISTORTED PONY special part 2: early tracks&unreleased + zine
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