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 Sugartime, anyone? Ex-Live Skull, Swans and Nice Strong Arm

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lex dexter

Posts : 9
Join date : 2012-03-23
Location : ann arbor, mi

Sugartime, anyone? Ex-Live Skull, Swans and Nice Strong Arm Empty
PostSubject: Sugartime, anyone? Ex-Live Skull, Swans and Nice Strong Arm   Sugartime, anyone? Ex-Live Skull, Swans and Nice Strong Arm EmptySat Mar 24, 2012 8:27 pm

I would LOVE to hear what this band was about ca. 1991. Again, I cannot put up links yet, but the following comes from Richard Hutchins' website, offering up their final 7" for fifteen clams:

"AWESTRUCK - SugarTime's 2nd 7In 1992, Richard J. Hutchins formed SugarTime with Norman Westberg (of Swans & Fetus), Robert Chemberlin, & Jason Asnes (of Nice Strong Arm). They released 2 singles, then broke up in 1994.

Richard was the drummer & graphic artist of the band, creating the artwork for their logo, gig posters, cap, the t-shirts, and both single covers, including the single shown at right, which was on Simple Machines Records.

You can order the AWESTRUCK single, in red vinyl, for $15.00, by check or by credit card using PayPal. ONLY FEW COPIES LEFT!

©2006 Richard Hutchins. November 14, 2006"

I thought James Lo was the drummer in Live Skull for the entire time, though? When did Hutchins join? I suppose I'll walk over to the old vinyl stack, but please take this post, blurb and trivial pursuit as a request for any and all Sugartime. I'm intrigued.
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Sugartime, anyone? Ex-Live Skull, Swans and Nice Strong Arm
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